Scooters, sometimes called mopeds, are fast, affordable, and environmentally friendly. However, like all motor vehicles, scooters require that the operator practice certain safety procedures to minimize the risk of injury. That’s why the experts at Big Country Powersports have created this guide to scooter safety. 

Safety Hazards

Scooters share many similarities with motorcycles, with the caveat that they tend to be a bit smaller and slower. This means that scooters see a lot of usage on backroads and residential roads where there is less traffic and vehicles tend to travel slower. It’s important not to let this slower pace engender a false sense of security. Mopeds tend to be less visible than other vehicles due to their compact size. They also have smaller tires, which means that you’ll feel any bumps or potholes in the road that much more. That’s why you need to be careful and remain alert while driving your scooter. 

Riding Defensively

Scooters are smaller and have less engine power than most other vehicles on the roads, which makes you vulnerable. To stay safe, you need to do what you can to make yourself more visible and create space between yourself and other motorists. It’s also best to try to keep your movements predictable and remain vigilant in case you encounter any road hazards. 

Gear Up

Proper riding attire is also important when it comes to scooter safety. Ideally, this means durable clothing that fully covers your body, along with a solid helmet that fits. Finally, you should also wear a jacket and a pair of riding boots to provide additional protection. Reflective stips can be added to your gear or moped to boost your visibility. 

Check the Forecast

Finally, always check the weather forecast before you leave on your scooter trip. Things might look just fine now, but conditions might have worsened by the time you begin your return journey. Scooters have open-air seats, which leaves you highly vulnerable to inclement weather. On top of that, precipitation can reduce visibility and make the roads slick, a dangerous combination. 

Shop scooters at Big Country Powersports in Bowling Green and Glasgow, Kentucky. We’re proud to serve communities like Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee. We also offer servicing, parts ordering, rentals, and financing.