Your scooter is the ideal means of transport within the city, since it’s fuel-efficient, quick and compact. Parking even in a crowded downtown area is a breeze on a scooter. Plus, you’ll love the freedom of not having to navigate your car down narrow streets.

But when you’re on a scooter, riding in any kind of traffic presents some challenges that can become dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

The staff here at Big Country Powersports in Bowling Green wants to make sure that you know the best practices for safe city riding aboard your scooter so you can enjoy every trip you take without incident!

Gear Up Properly

The right riding gear makes a huge difference in terms of your safety and visibility on the road. First and foremost, you’ll need a well-fitting, DOT-rated helmet, followed by protective clothes that cover your skin, close-toed boots and riding gloves.

Bright neon or reflective vests or tape are good to ensure that other drivers see you clearly. Use the lights on your scooter to further improve visibility.

Watch For Danger

It’s also necessary that you watch for hazardous conditions on the road ahead, particularly in heavy traffic or bad weather. Your traction isn’t as good as that of larger vehicles because of how lightweight scooters are, so it’s important that you slow down and avoid sudden turns or acceleration.

Ride toward the center of the lane to avoid the two furrows carved on either side where car tires have traveled. This is where water will collect if it’s raining, so avoid the furrows to keep from hydroplaning or sliding out. Watch for potholes so you can swerve around them, since they’ll be more problematic on a smaller vehicle.

These tips should help you to improve your safety game when it comes to riding your scooter through the city. Stop into Big Country Powersports in Bowling Green if you have any questions!

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