If you're about to get your first ATV, congratulations! You are about to enter a world of adventures and adrenaline rushes.

But not all four-wheelers will be a good match for a beginner rider. Use the following tips to find a great quad for the start of your journey. Remember that you can always get a replacement model once your skills improve!

If you have any questions or want to shop ATVs for sale, visit Big Country Powersports. Our dealership is based in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Choose a Small ATV

Four-wheelers range in their size. As a general rule, beginner riders will want to stick to smaller and lighter quads. They will be much easier to control and steer, which makes the learning to ride process less stressful. You don't want to be working against a beast of a machine while still learning the basics!

Look for Lower Power Engines

Yes, a high powered four-wheeler is enticing. But all of that power is best controlled by a more experienced rider. Biting off more than you can chew can easily lead to damaging the ATV or even getting injured!

Wait to get a high performing quad until you have the skills and experience necessary to have safe rides. Until then, focus on models with engines around 250cc.

Seek Out Features That Make Riding Easier

Look for ATVs with perks designed to make riding simple and hassle-free. For example, consider quads with automatic transmissions and throttle limiters.

Shop Beginner-Friendly Brands

Some ATV manufacturers specifically design models with beginner riders in mind. There are many Polaris® ATVs, for example, that are a great match for new riders.

Shopping beginner-friendly brands is a great way to narrow the search to a more manageable number of options. There are so many four-wheelers on the market, after all!

Factor In Your Riding Style

There are many ways to use a quad. The more you can articulate how you will use your model, the easier it will be to find compatible matches.

Most beginner riders want to enjoy recreational riding. It's helpful to get a compact four-wheeler so that you can access width-restricted trails.

But maybe you want to use the ATV for property maintenance work. Focus on high towing and hauling capacity so that you can transport tools, materials, and debris with ease.

Remember to Including Gear Into Your Budget

Those new at ATV riding often still need to get safety gear, such as eye protection and full-length outerwear. Be sure to factor in those costs so you you don't end up going overbudget.

Ready to shop ATVs for sale? Our expert staff can help you find the best beginner-friendly quad for your budget. Contact us or stop by our dealership in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We also proudly serve those in Louisville, Kentucky, and Nashville, Tennessee.