It's possible for your dog to enjoy a fun and safe UTV ride, especially when you utilize the following strategies.

Always Use a Crate

When your dog is joining for a UTV ride, he should be safely secure inside of a crate. Letting him move around the vehicle while it is in motion can create a huge safety risk for himself as well as the driver.

Be sure to secure the crate to the bed of the UTV using tie-downs or other such methods. That way, you won't need to worry about the crate sliding off of the side-by-side.

Get Your Dog Comfortable With the UTV

You will want to build up your dog's comfort with the side-by-side before taking longer rides.

Start by introducing the UTV in a calm way. Give your dog treats and toys, which will help her associate the side-by-side with fun.

Once your dog is used to the UTV, you can start going on short rides. Build up your dog's riding endurance slowly until you reach the normal trip length.

Bring Supplies For Your Dog

Always bring along a water bowl, which will help your dog stay hydrated. Be sure to also pack a pet first aid kit that can be used to address minor medical issues that can happen out in nature.

Depending on the terrain that you explore, you may want to have your dog wear booties for extra protection against the harsh ground.

If you plan on exploring after sunset, it's wise to get an LED collar light so you can more easily spot your dog as he wanders around.

Are you in the market for a side-by-side? Big Country Powersports carries a range of UTVs for sale. Our dealership is based in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We also proudly serve those in Louisville, Kentucky, and Nashville, Tennessee.